There are numerous benefits that relate to regular massage treatments especially from a massage therapist. These benefits vary from the need of relaxation, to the reduction of tension within the muscle or relief from any kind of chronic pain. Massages have also been known to improve the overall sense of physical well being and balance the emotional part of it. This information is from this masaj salonu.
Benefits of a massage
Reduction of stress hormones One of the major benefits of getting a massage is the feeling of a deep relaxation that is followed with calmness. This series of events occurs due to the release of hormones known as endorphins, from the brain that bring about the feeling of one's well-being. Hormones like cortisol, norepinephrine, and adrenalin are stress hormones that can impair the immune system but thanks to massages they're reduced.
Controls Pain
Our bodies have nerve receptors that transmit different messages to the brain. Some messages travel faster than others. Positive messages travel faster than negative ones. So we can disguise pain by giving a massage that is going to send pleasurable massage. This phenomenon is called the pain- gate -control theory. This theory also reduces heat in our bodies when we are sick and assists in improving the quality of sleep in people.
Improves digestion
Due to stress, our digestive system can be switched off thus leading to loss of appetite. Massages stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which in turn switches the digestive system back to its normal nature. Massages that are performed in a clockwise direction stimulate the process of digestion. It also assists in alleviation of constipation and the speedy elimination of waste from the body which reduces the levels of toxicity in the body that is where your skin comes in and becomes smooth and silky thanks to the person who discovered the benefits of a massage compared to modern medicine.
Improves posture
Relaxed muscles promote upright or an improved posture. Poor posture has negative effects like prevention of the lungs from full expansion. Most people who have tight pectoral, a slumped posture and rounded shoulders usually suffer from difficulty in breathing that is why all runners have an upright posture. Improved posture comes also with improved mobility. Other benefits of a massage include the assistance of production in synovial fluid which is found in all the joints of the body and lack of it makes walking or any movement difficult.
Benefits of a massage
Reduction of stress hormones One of the major benefits of getting a massage is the feeling of a deep relaxation that is followed with calmness. This series of events occurs due to the release of hormones known as endorphins, from the brain that bring about the feeling of one's well-being. Hormones like cortisol, norepinephrine, and adrenalin are stress hormones that can impair the immune system but thanks to massages they're reduced.
Controls Pain
Our bodies have nerve receptors that transmit different messages to the brain. Some messages travel faster than others. Positive messages travel faster than negative ones. So we can disguise pain by giving a massage that is going to send pleasurable massage. This phenomenon is called the pain- gate -control theory. This theory also reduces heat in our bodies when we are sick and assists in improving the quality of sleep in people.
Improves digestion
Due to stress, our digestive system can be switched off thus leading to loss of appetite. Massages stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which in turn switches the digestive system back to its normal nature. Massages that are performed in a clockwise direction stimulate the process of digestion. It also assists in alleviation of constipation and the speedy elimination of waste from the body which reduces the levels of toxicity in the body that is where your skin comes in and becomes smooth and silky thanks to the person who discovered the benefits of a massage compared to modern medicine.
Improves posture
Relaxed muscles promote upright or an improved posture. Poor posture has negative effects like prevention of the lungs from full expansion. Most people who have tight pectoral, a slumped posture and rounded shoulders usually suffer from difficulty in breathing that is why all runners have an upright posture. Improved posture comes also with improved mobility. Other benefits of a massage include the assistance of production in synovial fluid which is found in all the joints of the body and lack of it makes walking or any movement difficult.